Scandinavian Glass: Orrefors to Ikea

Apollo International Hotel 290 Pacific Highway, Charlestown

The Nordic countries played a minor role in the historic development of world glassmaking. It is astonishing that these nations, with some 20 million inhabitants, produced more Post-War glass designers of international consequence than the rest of the Western World combined. The talk examines the factors behind the emergence of Scandinavian glassmaking from a disparate group of strong-minded, egocentric individuals and the varied designs that resulted from their work. Andy’s recent tour of the Scandinavia’s leading glassworks in Sweden, Denmark and Finland further informs these lectures.

A$50.00 – A$55.00

Bottoms Up! A history of wine, its rituals and its vessels

Hunter Theatre Cameron St, Broadmeadow

Wine has sustained humanity for almost 10,000 years. While causing wars and riots, it’s also helped broker peace and more commonly served as an aphrodisiac. Wine has been personified in the form of Gods and been a catalyst in civilised entertaining and dining rituals. Bottom’s Up! traces the story of wine throughout the ages. It also examines the extraordinary art and artefacts created throughout history to enhance the pleasure of wine.  The talk visits the ancient world, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and 18th century Britain, culminating today when more wine is being consumed than ever.

Free – A$30.00